We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Amoeba Productions’ Emerging Playwrights Lab—a brand-new opportunity designed to amplify the voices of emerging playwrights and foster collaboration and growth within a supportive and inclusive artistic community.
We will feature four plays by four playwrights: • The Telemat by Lindsey Raguette After discovering that the Telemat, a public service memory library, is unexpectedly closing, the six remaining employees spend their final day grappling with sudden change, what it means to be honest, and how to say goodbye. • Disingenuous by Ben Tracy James is great at bending the truth to get what he wants, but of course, those around him might be doing the exact same thing. • Feeny’s Boodle Fight by Sophie Brion Neely When the emcee of a traditional-Filipino-feast-turned-spectator-sport finds herself totally cash-strapped, four queers must join together to shoot an edgy but sexless lesbian flick. • Skirts Off by Nina Slowinski An eclectic, unsuspecting group of Catholic high school girls find larger meaning in a frozen yogurt coupon. |
Over three months, with three cold readings performed by a community of actors. After each reading there will be structured discussion from a rotating board of theatre artists and their fellow lab members. Between each of their cold reads, the playwright will have a one on one meeting with the facilitator to set individual goals for their next reading. The lab will culminate in fifteen minutes of each play being presented at a festival of new works at a venue in Manhattan with invited industry guests, friends, and fellow artists. Following the performances there will be food, drink, and an opportunity to connect with the audience about the work.