Presenting our New Works 2025

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Amoeba Productions’ Emerging Playwrights Lab—a brand-new opportunity designed to amplify the voices of emerging playwrights and foster collaboration and growth within a supportive and inclusive artistic community.

We will feature four plays by four playwrights: 

• The Telemat by Lindsey Raguette
After discovering that the Telemat, a public service memory library, is unexpectedly closing, the six remaining employees spend their final day grappling with sudden change, what it means to be honest, and how to say goodbye. 

• Disingenuous by Ben Tracy
James is great at bending the truth to get what he wants, but of course, those around him might be doing the exact same thing.

• Feeny’s Boodle Fight by Sophie Brion Neely 
When the emcee of a traditional-Filipino-feast-turned-spectator-sport finds herself totally cash-strapped, four queers must join together to shoot an edgy but sexless lesbian flick. 

• Skirts Off by Nina Slowinski
An eclectic, unsuspecting group of Catholic high school girls find larger meaning in a frozen yogurt coupon.

Over three months, with three cold readings performed by a community of actors. After each reading there will be structured discussion from a rotating board of theatre artists and their fellow lab members. Between each of their cold reads, the playwright will have a one on one meeting with the facilitator to set individual goals for their next reading. The lab will culminate in fifteen minutes of each play being presented at a festival of new works at a venue in Manhattan with invited industry guests, friends, and fellow artists. Following the performances there will be food, drink, and an opportunity to connect with the audience about the work.

Amoeba Playwrights Lab

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The December Artist Mingle

On December 12, 2024, we wrapped up the year in the best way possible—bringing artists together for a night of connection, creativity, and community. Amoeba

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